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Aged Care Placement service

Personalized client profile

Finding the right home for a person is the most important part of my role. This can only be achieved by finding the out the person's individual interests as well as their social and medical requirements.

Information covered in the client profile includes

  • interests and hobbies

  • likes and dislikes

  • religious, cultural and social histories

  • lifestyles and routines

  • family and community

  • dietary requirements

  • medical needs

accommodation search

Residential aged care is a growing industry with new facilities opening all the time. The search for a suitable aged care home home is time consuming and can leave people overwhelmed with the choices available.

Aged care advocate conduct the search on your behalf and present you with a short list of suitable homes for you to choose from.

Factors considered in the search include :

  • location

  • budget

  • decor and environment

  • ability to manage care requirements

  • availability / vacancies

  • services and lifestyle programs

Financial Assessment

There are many up front and on going fees involved in funding aged care. 

Also the acronyms and terminologies used can be difficult to define and understand.

We will :

  • explain all the fees and charges

  • assist with the Centerlink forms

  • help you to determine your budget


*Aged Care Advocate does not provide financial advice, however, we can refer clients to reputable financial advisors who specialize in aged care and retirement advise if required.

Facility tours

Many times, a home looks a certain way externally or on a website but is very different in reality. That is why it is important to visit the home and experience it yourself before deciding on it's suitability. It is often the intangibles such as how the home makes you feel and the 'vibe' of the place which lets you know that the home is the right one.

Aged Care Advocate book tours on your behalf and accompany you on these tours. We know what to look for and know the important questions to ask so you have the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Factors considered while touring include:

  • overall cleanliness and condition of the home.

  • number of staff in attendance.

  • How the staff interact with the residents

  • how happy and engaged the residents are.

  • The overall environment such as smells, temperature, noise levels.

managing the placement

Once the preferred home is chosen, there are still applications and processes which must be undertaken before the placement is secured.

Aged Care Advocate will manage and assist you through this process by :

  • Filling out and submitting application forms.

  • negotiating wait lists.

  • liaising with the homes on your behalf.

  • assisting with admission forms

  • negotiating RADs and other fees with the home

  • reviewing contracts and agreements.

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Retirement and independent Living search

Personalized client profile

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Finding the right home for a person is the most important part of my role. This can only be achieved by finding the out the person's individual interests as well as their social and medical requirements.

Information covered in the client profile includes

  • interests and hobbies

  • size and requirements of unit

  • access to family and community

  • What Home Care Packages are in place

  • Potential long term needs

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Financial Assessment

There are many up front and on going fees involved in funding and purchasing retirement units and independent living units.


Aged Care Advocate will :

  • explain all the fees and charges

  • help you to determine your budget


*Aged Care Advocate does not provide financial advice, however, we can refer clients to reputable financial advisors who specialize in aged care and retirement advise if required.


property search

Available properties will be located and presented to the client based on 

  • location

  • budget

  • decor and environment

  • service and amenities

  • lifestyle programs



Once a short list of properties has been chosen, Aged Care Advocate will-

  • book inspections of available units on your behalf and accompany you on the tours.

  • provide a simple spread sheet which you can use to compare the various costs associated with each option.

  • Review purchase agreements and other contracts

  • Referals to property Advisors, relocation services and down sizing specialists if required.

Advocacy and consulting services

 Services include

  • mediation

  • care plans updates and reviews

  • complaints and feed back

  • support at family and multi disciplinary meetings

  • advise on rights and responsibilities

  • My Aged Care and Centrelink representation

  • respite and transitional care support

  • Advance planning guidance


Referrals to-

  • financial advisors specializing in aged care and retirement

  • estate planners

  • property services

  • legal advise for Powers of Attorney, Guardianship and Administration matters

  • home care specialists

  • healthy aging and counseling services

Aged care placement consultant

0423 036037

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Aged care advocate are fully independent and not affiliated with any aged care facilities or providers giving you an unbiased and broader choice of options.

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ACA does not provide financial advise however we can refer clients to reputable financial advisors who specialiize in aged care retirement advice if required.

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